Yes, I'm taking about some long-term planning and the idea that every meal is a critical increment on your road to success. Don't get me wrong, the convenience of bars, electrolyte-infused H2O, powders and pre-made shakes are fine occasionally. But they cannot correct a month's worth (or more) of poor food choices that leave your system under-nourished. Part of the problem is that we've become so accustomed to highly processed and fortified foods that we don't know what an actual 'whole food' is anymore. (Just for the record, fortification is what food companies do to add back in vitamins and minerals that were lost during processing.)
During my summer workshops, I've done my best to stress the idea of 'mineralizing one's plate'. Truly, if we need those mighty minerals during training and an event, it would behoove us to spend some time in our daily lives improving nutrient intake. Athletes, at times, are the worst diet offenders creating excuses such as "I just burned all these calories" to erase the double damage they're doing to the body in training and eating. Acidity is a real problem for a lot of people, however its worse for those who are active and athletic. As I've written about in the last several articles on hydration, acidity destroys mineral stores in the bones and muscles leading to osteoporosis and mineral deficiencies. Take a step back for a moment to ask yourself- what is really going on in terms of how well you are preparing for events? How much are you truly invested in your success? Sure, you've bought all the best gear and hired the best coach, but when will your body catch a break? When will it get nourished properly so that it can be as strong, fast, and powerful as you will it to be at the starting line?
Here's a great place to start:
Bye bye chemicals!
Kick out as much processed products/food as possible and replace others, such as bars, with options that are whole food-based. Also look at the daily body products that you use including toothpaste, shampoos, moisturizers, etc. Our skin is a porous barrier that cannot keep out toxic chemicals.
No more "white stuff"!
This includes sugar, table salt, and flour. All of this is leaching minerals and nutrients from your system and causing major imbalances. Also, get rid of artificial sweeteners...if you think there is nothing wrong with what's sweetening your drink, google it and see for yourself the side effects. Also, be careful with tofu as it too is processed food.
Start cooking!
Have more control over the quality of ingredients and save money! Remember that prepared foods often have a high sodium content as well as oils that may not be fresh nor good for your body.
Think fiber.
Kick that bread to the curb. Look to add high-fiber whole foods to your meals such as sweet potatoes, legumes, brown rice, and quinoa.
Revisit fats.
The fats are in and we need to have fats in our diet. I know it may make some of us squirm at the thought of adding it to your plate, however they are critical to good health. Look for healthier sources of Omega-3 fats such as walnuts, flaxseeds and their respective oils as well as olive oil for cooking.
Green, green, green!
Add more greens to your plate with options such as broccoli, bock choy, kale, and spinach. Mix in some sprouts at the last minute before eating.
Eat with the Seasons.
Find your local farmers market and shop for your produce there. You really can't go wrong and there is still time to patronize one before Winter sets in. Plus, you'll be investing your money into the local community. Eating seasonally helps give the body the right nutrients during each season that it needs to stay healthy!