There are people who pop antibiotics like breath mints whenever they feel the slightest illness coming on. Granted, doctors are prescribing them freely as well, which isn't helping matters. Sure, antibiotics serve an important function, but it's generally known that they are overprescribed even in cases where they won't work such as the flu. (Just for the record, antibiotics fight bacterial infections, not viral infections like the flu or a head cold, aka the rhino virus.) What's important to know is that antibiotics are indiscriminant killers of bacteria, both good and bad. So, when you take antibiotics, you are literally wiping out all of the microflora in the gut, thus allowing for the bad bacteria and yeast to rush back in. People who have taken antibiotics a great deal during their life are prime candidates for chronic yeast infections. (1, 3)
Though most of us may be puzzled as to what sugar is best for consumption, I'm just going to flat out tell you that it's generally all bad. We are a nation addicted to sugar. Though many might say they love sweet items, it's really sugar that you love or else carrots, squash and brown rice would be on your list of favorite sweet foods. That said, sugar is food (or maybe crack) for the bad bacteria and yeast gods in your gut. It's what they thrive on. So the more sugar provided to the bad bacteria and yeast, the more they grow and upend your entire digestive system, thus reducing your immunity to colds and viruses. (3)
Yes, alcohol. Granted, it's fermented (and I will delve further on the benefits of fermented products and gut health next month), but most people don't drink it in small quantities. It is typically consumed as a way to relax, have fun, and chill out especially when one finds him/herself in an awkward work or family function or perhaps when out with some friends at the bar. Whatever the reason may be, typical consumption is far beyond what is considered healthy for anyone, especially those already suffering with a digestive problem such as GERD (acid reflux), IBS or IBD. You may want to write these out – some may not be sure what they are. (2)
Immune System Depressors: Gluten and Casein (found in ALL dairy products)
Last, but certainly not least, we come to two proteins considered to be inflammatory to the human body. We've briefly spoken of gluten (the spongy protein found in barley, rye, contaminated oats, wheat and spelt) in the past, however I believe this is the first mention of the casein protein. It is the main protein component of all milk that creates cheese - not to be confused with lactose which is a milk sugar. (3)
That said, both gluten and casein are inflammatory proteins. The medical establishment is coming to believe that much illness and aging is the direct result of silent inflammation in the body from years of abuse. The inflammation caused may be greater in some than in others; however, it doesn't change the reality of how these two proteins react in the body. Over-consumption can cause the immune system to become overtaxed and begin attacking the body's own digestive system. There is strong evidence that most Americans would benefit from reducing their exposure to these two proteins.
Taking all this into account, one can clearly see why the coming holiday foods could spell doom for their digestive system. Perhaps it’s why so many people find themselves bloated, gaining weight, exhausted, depressed and getting sick. Though antacids and acid-blockers might seem like a good temporary fix, they will not mend the deep damage done by repeated assaults.
Yet, there is hope! Learning ways to reduce your exposure to inflammatory elements can help your immune system to become stronger. Remember, 60% of your immune system is in your gut. It's your choice to decide to respect and foster your gut health, or to hinder your best line of defense.
1. http://www.brighthub.com/science/medical/articles/21640.aspx
2. http://www.international.inra.fr/press/intestinal_flora_and_alcohol_liver_toxicity
3. The Ultramind Solution:Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First, by Mark Hyman, MD.
Jen, you mentioned sugar is generally all bad. What is your opinion of natural sugar found in fruit? I love fruit, but I seem to be consuming a lot of sugar in the process.