I've come to believe that these are the defining moments of one's ability to succeed in life. You've got a choice, either go on doing the same old, same old seeing no results, give up, or do something different. To be honest, the only real option is to make a change and mix things up if you are truly committed to yourself and your goals and dreams. The body gets used to routine, whatever it may be, which highlights the fact that we are NOT static beings caught in a time warp continuum. We are constantly changing and need to keep that in mind in whatever we do. Thus, over time the body gets used to a certain way of eating and training and eventually no longer responds the way in which we'd like it to.
During the Fall of 2008, I started to experience this exact sentiment. Training wasn't getting me anywhere and actually I felt more like I was starting to move in the opposite direction. I was experiencing lower back pain and stiffness along with a new upper back and neck discomfort. So, as most do, I blew it off, chalking it up to being too busy, and pushed it off with the notion that I'd work on it this winter. By mid December, I felt weaker than in the Fall and my back was bothering me so much that I'd have trouble making it through spin classes. So, I had enough! I wrote out a plan to create what I wanted rather than fixate on what was going wrong. (You can see the simple plan below.)
Though it took me some time to implement some of the steps, I remained committed to what I wanted. Since March, I've been working with my trainer, Anne, the past couple of months and have experienced a real improvement on my bike. My trainer has been able to bring more out in me than I was able to do for myself and I'm definitely seeing the results! Physically, I am have more strength and endurance during my rides because of the dedicated time and commitment of training sessions. I don't have any back issues, nor feel any strain in riding long distances and also feel better in my daily life. Mentally, I am focused, relaxed and enjoying what I'm doing which really is a major component to achieving success.
Creating the Plan
Please take out a scrap of paper & pen. At the top, write out a goal for this summer that is appropriate for yourself along with when you want to see this goal become a reality. Next, write out 3 things you could do to help make that happen. These are called Action Steps which break the goal down into smaller, more manageable increments. Now jot down a time frame for when you think that you would want or could make these action steps a reality. Also note if you will need support from others to actively create these action steps.
Here's one of my goals for 2010 as an example-
Improve strength and endurance on my road bike while experiencing no back pain.
1. Build strength in my core muscles along with increased leg power. (by May)
2. Incorporate more yoga into my workout regime. (by January)
3. Ensure a proper fit on my road bike. (by April)
1. Need trainer by beginning of March.
2. Go to some new yoga classes that are different in style than what I'm used to, make my stretching post-workout more yoga-inspired, incorporate yoga into resistance training.
3. Take bike to shop for an evaluation of my fit.
I know that many of you may have the plan in your head, however there is more power behind the thoughts and ideas by writing them down and bringing them into reality. This is an active step in cultivating your success toward that goal. And just so you know, you can use this process in any part of your life. It's powerful and, if followed properly, can open up a whole new world of possibilities for you.
I'd love to hear from some of you about your plan!
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