I am here to tell you that-
Stomach problems and digestive issues are NOT normal!
Please repeat the bold part to yourself. Take a deep breath.
Perhaps I'm the first person to tell you this, and I hope that reading this saves you both time and agony when dealing with your stomach/digestive system as if it were an unruly child. I suffered for years before my nutritionist imparted that statement to me earlier last year. At some point, I came to accept my situation as normal just as most others. (i.e. Running to the bathroom multiple times in the middle of a meal, pushing aside waves of nausea during a bike ride as the intensity grew while desperately seeking a restroom) But there's help out there and I'm here to tell you that with some time and focus, you too can heal your stomach woes.
This is a list of some common digestive issues that are NOT normal: gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, heartburn aka acid reflux aka GERD and IBS. If you deal with one or multiples of these issues, then please do yourself a favor and get some help with your diet. Your body WILL thank you because you will feel enormously better and stronger than before. These problems generally are corrected through diet and lifestyle changes.
Prescription drugs may already have a place in your life in order to control digestive problems, however know that there are serious risks for consuming these substances that generally were never meant for long-term use. For example, long-term use of acid reflux medications can cause a serious B12 deficiency that cannot be corrected through sublingual supplementation because the drug suppresses the body's ability to produce a substance necessary to make absorption possible. In this case, B12 must be supplemented through injections into tissue.
So, the next time you find digestive tract in an uncooperative situation, ask yourself if merely accepting your circumstances is in your best interest long-term. What would your life look like to be without this problem? What would it mean to you? The answer is out there, I promise.
Many digestion problems appear even in apparently healthy people. Keep in mind that good digestion is an important component for vitality and healthy body.