However, all of this can come with a pretty hefty price tag. The first issue is that the body quickly becomes accustomed to the effects of caffeine within days and thus higher dosages are then needed to actually feel the effects. This is why people who try to cut caffeine out cold turkey feel withdrawal symptoms which include fatigue and headache.
Secondly, the 'energy' felt from a caffeine jolt is actually the result of our adrenal glands, stimulated by the caffeine, dumping cortisol (the stress/energy hormone) into the body. With every cup of coffee or espresso, or a caffeine-filled substance, we unnaturally call upon our adrenals to work in ways that are ultimately unsustainable- meaning we steal energy reserves from our future to use right now. The adrenals, which sit on the kidneys, can only take so much abuse. Between the daily stress of our lives to exercising & training to completing as hard as we can, the adrenals are constantly working to keep us going.
Furthermore, all of this cortisol dumped into the body's system helps to create an acidic environment within the body in addition to lactic acid. An acid environment is a safe haven for bacteria, mold and yeast while also corroding the body. (I'll talk more about this in the next newsletter!)
So the next time you are looking for some extra energy, whether its during your training or just to start your day, ask yourself why it is that you are so tired. Yes, we live in an 'on-the-go' world that never seems to stop, however there is a price to pay for merely patching a problem rather than looking deeper to resolve the underlying imbalance.
Energizing Alternatives:
Maca- A root vegetable native to Peru, Maca is generally purchased in a powder which can be mixed into smoothies and other foods. It directly supports the adrenals to improve endurance & vitality.
Bee Pollen- Bee pollen is a highly enzymatic and energizing bee product. It can be mixed into shakes or yogurt or eaten on its own. It's slightly sweet and rather powdery in nature. Beware trying it if you are allergic to bees.
Cacao- Chocolate in its natural form comes from cacao beans. Cacao can be purchased as whole beans, nibs or a powder. It is raw and contains many enzymes and minerals. Much can be done with cacao. Though keep in mind that it is a bit on the bitter side.
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